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Find your product

  1. All promotions are available on the home page. Scroll down the page to have a quick overview.
  2. You can also use the horizontal main menu to search by category.
  3. You can filter by brand or by price.
  4. Alternatively, enter what you are looking for on search bar.

Place your order

  1. Once you have selected on item you want to purchase, just click on add to cart.
  2. A button will appear at the top right menu showing the product have been added to cart.
  3. You have a choice to continue shopping or checking out if you are done shopping.
  4. You can access your cart anytime by clicking on the cart icon. You can find cart at the top right corner of each page.
  5. You are now here invited to re-view your cart. At this point you can modify the content by removing items you no longer want or adjusting the quantity of any item. Make sure you confirm the subtotal and total cost to avoid bad surprises.
  6. You an proceed to checkout.
  7. Select your delivery location depending with your delivery preferences.
  8. As a new user on Mafraq Computers, you will be asked to fill out your personal details. Returning user can just sign in.
  9. Select payment methods among, pay Cash on delivery & Mobile banking (Mpesa).
  10. Accept Terms and Conditions.
  11. Remember to confirm order.
  12. Congratulations, you just bought an item on Mafraq Computers.