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by mafraq


The Inventor of the 1st ever Computer, in 1833, Charles Babbage generated an Analytical Engine in the 19th century (he worked on it until he died in 1871). It was to be a general-purpose, fully primitive-calculator, automatic mechanical digital computer. It would be able to perform any calculation set before it. The Analytical Engine was to be fully autonomous from start to finish, be constructed from over 12,000 individual mechanical pieces, weigh over 15 TONS, and be approximately the size of a small steam locomotive (“Babbage Analytical Engine").

Fast Forward to the very latest fastest supercomputer, FUGAKU, a joint development between RIKEN and FUJITSU created by the RIKEN Center for Computational Science in Japan. It was activated in 2020 with an ARM processor weighing each computing unit at 1.6 tons and cumulatively total weight unit at 700 Tons.

The Fugaku Super Computer Capabilities;

  • Designed to solve the World’s biggest challenges i.e., Carbon-Dioxide emissions affecting climate change and population change.

  •  Designed to conduct more than 442 quadrillion calculations per second, hence its fastness.

  • Created an AI Tsunami Simulation Model i.e., The AI was used at the International Research Institute of Disaster Science at Tohuku University in Japan to help predict Tsunami flooding in Coastal areas in near real-time.

  • Designed to develop small molecules to fight Covid-19 i.e., Played a big role in detecting the spread of Covid-19, mitigating and providing ways to treat and manage increased health risks caused by SARS-Covid-19 globally.



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